Allegro GDB Badge Icon: Career Change Dog, featuring a bone

Birthdate 3/7/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Zenith & Swan

Path Career Change

Littermates with Pupdates Asher, Aiden, Arrow, Andrew, Amalfi, Anise, Allie

Allegro Pupdates

October 2024 Pupdate for Allegro

Posted 10/17/2024

Happy October from Allegro! Allegro is a sweet boy that always brings a smile to people's faces! "Al's" current favorite toy to play with is the Jolly Egg. If he manages to pick it up, he loves to trot around Community Run with it in his mouth.

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Allegro sits in harness looking at the camera with his tongue out. Behind him is a beach and the San Francisco Bay. In the distance is the Golden Gate Bridge.
Allegro is standing looking up at the camera. His tail is mid-wag and it appears as though he is smiling.
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