Alto is sitting in harness in front of the oceans rocky coastline. The very top of the San Francisco skyline can be seen off in the distance through a heavy fog line.

Alto GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 10/8/2022

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Stetson & Merengue

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Azul, Alpine, Argus, Asia, Augustus, Andor, Adele

Alto Pupdates

September 2024 Pupdate for Alto

Posted 9/19/2024

Alto has been such a joy to work with. He can be serious during guide work but is so sweet and silly during down time. He loves spending time playing in the community run yards and relaxing with a nylabone on tie-down. His endearing and affectionate personality earns him friends all over campus.

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Alto is pictured sitting surrounded by several redwood trees. He is wearing his harness and staring up at the camera.
Alto is pictured sitting in a community run yard on campus. He is smiling at the camera and his tongue is hanging out the side of his mouth.

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