Babs sits on a log structure in one of the free run areas. She is wearing her harness and looking up focused on her handler.

Babs GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 8/26/2021

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Female

Location Oregon

Parents Ogden & Merengue

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Bijou, Busby, Bubba, Bowser, Bombay

Babs Pupdates

June 2023 Pupdate for Babs

Posted 6/15/2023

Happy Pupdate from Babs! Babs loves her food rewards and has been hard at work learning all the skills needed to be a guide! Miss Babs brings a smile to everyone's faces when they see her.

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Babs is sitting in harness on a large bridge in Portland. There is a cloudy sky and dark river water behind her.
Babs is curled up in a tight ball while sleeping on a comfy bed

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