Bart sits in harness in front of a stone fireplace, his first time visiting a coffee shop during training

Bart GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 1/18/2022

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador/Golden Retriever Cross

Sex Male

Location Oregon

Parents Nicholas & Brielle

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Bennett, BettyRose, Bayshore, Bayou, Blair, Brooks, Boone

Bart Pupdates

May 2024 Pupdate for Bart

Posted 5/16/2024

Bart continues to enjoy his routine of coming to "school" for training, and then going home to hangout with his foster care providers at night. He is such a sweet boy with so much love to give! Plus he's the cutest, fluffiest golden boy around!

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Bart sits on a sidewalk with green foliage behind him. He is wearing his brown leather harness and looking into the camera.
Bart sits on the lawn in the sunshine at his foster care home. He

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