Beckett is sitting while wearing his harness body, on the Oregon Campus. He's looking at the camera. He is sitting near some stairs and there is shrubbery in the background.


Birthdate 10/23/2022

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location Oregon

Parents Celtic & Irva

Path Career Change

Littermates with Pupdates Bruce, Barrett, Bailey, Bryn, Blaine, Brady

Beckett Pupdates

October 2024 Pupdate for Beckett

Posted 10/17/2024

October has become even more beautiful with Beckett! “Becky Boy” has had a blast getting to know a new trainer this month, while also exploring some new places that he’s never been before. He especially loved showing off his guidework skills in parks around Portland, and it’s adorable to watch him settle at a bench and watch the world around him. His calm demeanor makes him easy to love, but he’s also no stranger to turning on the jets and running as fast as he can around the community run areas. We’re so glad to hang with him this month!

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Beckett, a male black lab, stands in his GDB harness in one of our obstacle courses on our Oregon campus. He looks at the camera with bright brown eyes and his tongue slightly out. A blue, upside-down trash can and some orange cones are in the fore and background.
Beckett, a male black lab, is fully stretched as he runs through one of our community run areas. He holds a stuffed toy in his mouth and has a silly look on his face. Green turf makes up most of the background.

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