Lab/golden cross Bonnie sits on the sidewalk in front of a wooden fence and green plants. She is looking at the camera and wearing a blue breeder scarf.

Bonnie GDB Badge Icon: Breeder Dog, featuring a DNA helix

Birthdate 5/24/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador/Golden Retriever Cross

Sex Female

Location California

Parents Swenson & Aster

Path Graduated as a Breeder

Littermates with Pupdates Button, Bryce, Benissa

Bonnie Pupdates

October 2024 Pupdate for Bonnie

Posted 10/17/2024

Sweet Bonnie already has amassed a load of adoring fans on campus, from the kennel staff to the veterinary staff, she has quickly wormed her way into our hearts. She has such a good natured disposition and impressed during her assessment walk off campus where she got to try on a guide dog harness for the first time and wore it like a pro!

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Bonnie sits in harness on a shady brick pathway with green bushes behind her
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