Charmaine lies on the pavement during a campus walk, looking sweetly at the camera


Birthdate 5/26/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador/Golden Retriever Cross

Sex Female

Location California

Parents Kip & Hattie

Path Formal Guidework Training

Littermates with Pupdates Camden, Collins, Cory, Cassidy, Cezanne, Coral, Carmela, Cami

Charmaine Pupdates

November 2024 Pupdate for Charmaine

Posted 11/21/2024

Charmaine, also lovingly called "Char" is a delightful dog! She bonds quickly with her handler and is eager to please. Her confident targeting of curbs leads her to stretch her neck back as she looks toward the handler with pride, quite adorable.

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Charmaine sits in harness along a sidewalk. She is sitting next to a multi-colored chalk heart with the words
Charmaine lays down in the community play area with her back legs frogged out in the
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