Colleen GDB Badge Icon: Career Change Dog, featuring a bone

Birthdate 12/21/2022

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Female

Location California

Parents Berto & Mermaid

Path Career Change

Littermates with Pupdates Clapton, Conway, Champ, Chicory

Colleen Pupdates

July 2024 Pupdate for Colleen

Posted 7/18/2024

Happy July from Colleen! Colleen is a sweet girl who loves to learn. Her favorite thing to do in community run is playing with the other dogs and splashing around in the pool.

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Colleen sitting in harness in front of the Guide Dogs for the Blind logo.

Colleen sitting in harness in front of the Guide Dogs for the Blind logo.

Colleen on tie down chewing on a bone.

Colleen on tie down chewing on a bone.

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