Collins sits on a sidewalk covered in colorful red, orange, and yellow fall leaves next to a white picket fence. He's wearing his harness and his mouth is open in a relaxed smile.


Birthdate 5/26/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador/Golden Retriever Cross

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Kip & Hattie

Path Formal Guidework Training

Littermates with Pupdates Camden, Cory, Charmaine, Cassidy, Cezanne, Coral, Carmela, Cami

Collins Pupdates

January 2025 Pupdate for Collins

Posted 1/16/2025

Happy New Year from Mr. Collins! This smart boy is a sponge and has been busy soaking up all the guide dog knowledge he can. He's been such a pleasure to train due to his eagerness and willing attitude. He always works with a pep in his step and gives 100% every day.

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Collins playfully rolls around and poses upside down on the carpet while holding an orange S-shaped rubber toy in his open mouth. There are 3 GDB posters in the background.
Collins wears his GDB harness and proudly gazes up at the camera while stopping to show his instructor a blue, pool noodle overhead. Colorful play structures and the community run area can be seen in the background.
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