Dax lays on a colorful rug with a Nylabone next to his paw while he looks up into the camera.

Dax GDB Badge Icon: Community Placement, featuring a dog in a house

Birthdate 11/28/2021

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location Oregon

Parents Fleetwood & Daisy

Path Placed with a Community Partner Client

Littermates with Pupdates Dreamy, Dorothy, Dino, Dreamer, Danish

Dax Pupdates

December 2023 Pupdate for Dax

Posted 12/21/2023

Thanks for following Dax’s progress to becoming a hearing dog. This will be the last Pupdate for Dax. Congratulations to Dax and his raisers on his placement with a client through Dogs for Better Lives!

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Black Lab Dax in his green harness laying in front of a Christmas tree
Black Lab Dax laying in front of a huge Santa Claus decoration

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