Yellow lab Esme sits on the sidewalk with a wooden fence behind her. She is looking at the camera with her mouth open, and she is wearing a blue Breeder scarf.

Esme GDB Badge Icon: Breeder Dog, featuring a DNA helix

Birthdate 11/28/2022

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Female

Location California

Parents Faulkner & Adair

Path Graduated as a Breeder

Littermates with Pupdates Emiko, Emmett, Emma, Emery

Esme Pupdates

May 2024 Pupdate for Esme

Posted 5/16/2024

Esme is just a complete sweetheart and such a happy camper! She did excellent on her breeder assessment walk in town and enjoyed all of the sights and sounds. She also loves playing and cuddling with her roommate.

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Cutie Esme sits on the shady grass on campus with an adorable head tilt and a smile.
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