Gabby sits on a pathway smiling at the camera with greenery and a GDB van in the background


Birthdate 4/3/2023

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Female

Location California

Parents Milton & Esther

Path Formal Guidework Training

Littermates with Pupdates Gilligan, Georgie, Gina, Gunther

Gabby Pupdates

January 2025 Pupdate for Gabby

Posted 1/16/2025

Happy New Year from Gabby! She has enjoyed resuming guidework after her holiday break (with some well-deserved rest and lots of playtime!) She loves to accompany me to a variety of destinations and gets lots of attention everywhere we go, with her adorable looks and excellent behavior.

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Gabby lays on a wooden platform wearing her guide dog harness. She is looking directly at the camera as her black fur glistens in the sunlight.
Gabby looks cozy while laying and sleeping on a fleece pad inside a carpeted room. There are toys scattered around her hinting at the play session that preceded this photo.

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