Galley is sitting on a bench in a harness. There are luscious green plants and a tree with pink flowers behind her.

Galley GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 2/3/2022

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador/Golden Retriever Cross

Sex Female

Location Oregon

Parents Whiskers & Claudia

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Georganne, Grenache, Gusto, Garth, Grand, Gabe

Galley Pupdates

October 2023 Pupdate for Galley

Posted 10/19/2023

Galley is leading the way with her sweet disposition. This month she continued to grow her experience by working with some new handlers, who quickly fell in love with her. She has been enjoying long routes and hanging out with her handlers at destinations.

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Galley, a yellow lab, is working in harness. She is looking and leading straight towards the camera and her tail is wagging off to the side. In the background her handlers legs can be seen following her lead, and the sidewalk stretches out behind her.
Galley lays in community run on top of red hoses. She is holding a bone between her paws that she is chewing on, and a purple play structure can be seen in the background.
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