Birthdate 6/17/2023
Color Yellow
Breed Labrador Retriever
Sex Male
Location Oregon
Path Formal Guidework Training
Hawk Pupdates
January 2025 Pupdate for Hawk
Posted 1/16/2025
Happy New Year’s and first Pupdate of 2025! Hawk enjoyed some much-deserved R&R time during the holidays. His foster care providers reported that he was an excellent house guest and enjoyed the company of their own dog. Hawk tended to find himself most at home when he would snuggle up on a dog bed and snooze for hours. I really enjoy working with Hawk, he is insanely smart, a great companion, has laser focus during obedience, and is a hoot to train. Thanks again for everything you did to get him to his point!
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A male yellow lab, Hawk sits in front of an array of pink to red artificial flowers. He is wearing his guide dog harness and is looking towards the camera.

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December 2024 Pupdate for Hawk
