Higgins is sitting on a sidewalk wearing his guide dog harness. Behind him is a bush of orange roses.


Birthdate 6/17/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Flagstaff & Posey

Path Formal Guidework Training

Littermates with Pupdates Hope, Hawk

Higgins Pupdates

January 2025 Pupdate for Higgins

Posted 1/16/2025

Higgins is starting the new year off to a great start! He is enjoying his job while still making time for plenty of fun and relaxation. He is looking forward to what this year has to offer!

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Higgins is sitting on a train platform in his guide dog harness. He is looking into the camera.
Higgins is relaxing on a sidewalk by a grassy area of the California campus. He has a yellow bone resting on one paw.
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