Black Lab Izzy sits alert in harness on a shady pathway in front of green ivy.

Izzy GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 11/7/2022

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Female

Location California

Parents Milton & Calista

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Izzy Pupdates

July 2024 Pupdate for Izzy

Posted 7/18/2024

Happy Summer from Izzy! As the weather has warmed up, so has Izzy. This past month she has made really good friends with one of the tallest dogs in our string. She loves to hang out, play tug, and run around with him! They make the cutest couple!

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Izzy sit in harness in front of a pond with a water fountain. She is looking directly at the camera as the sun shines on her face .
Izzy is chewing on a red JollyBall that has a smaller green ball inside. She is bowing with her hind-end in the air and her eyes closed.

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