Jada sits on a pathway in front of a wooden fence wearing her blue breeder scarf.

Jada GDB Badge Icon: Breeder Dog, featuring a DNA helix

Birthdate 11/7/2022

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Female

Location California

Parents Gaius & Beasley

Path Graduated as a Breeder

Littermates with Pupdates Josh, Jericho, Julio, Joan, Jenna, Jenner

Jada Pupdates

April 2024 Pupdate for Jada

Posted 4/18/2024

Sweet Jada has been having a blast with her playful roommate Asia and charging around in community run. She's figured out how to jump in and out of the playground equipment there, especially if there is a food reward involved! Jada met her potential breeder custodian and made a great impression. They are so excited to take her home!

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Cute close-up of yellow Lab Jada sitting in the grass play yard, nose up to the camera
Jada smiling inside a colorful play house in community run ready to jump out!

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