Jamari is looking directly at the camera with his mouth slightly open.  He is surrounded by green grass and is wearing a blue pet dog harness attached to a long line while out for his adventure walk.

Jamari GDB Badge Icon: Career Change Dog, featuring a bone

Birthdate 5/6/2024

Color Medium

Breed Golden Retriever

Sex Male

Location Oregon

Parents Dug & Tamara

Path Career Change

Jamari Pupdates

November 2024 Pupdate for Jamari

Posted 11/21/2024

Jamari is the best puppy ever! He is very attentive while on leash and loves to be right by your side. He loves to romp in our free run areas and enjoys his rest and relaxation time during his office days. He is truly a joy to be around!

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Jamari is looking directly at the camera with his mouth slightly open.  He is surrounded by green grass and is wearing a blue pet dog harness attached to a long line while out for his adventure walk.
Jamari is running in the turf yard with a colorful plush snake in his mouth, and his ears are flapping in the wind!
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