Janey is in a free run area on the Oregon Campus. She's standing on playground equipment, facing the camera and licking her chomps.

Janey GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 4/4/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Female

Location Oregon

Parents Marlow & Renna

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Jackie, Jules, Juana, Jimbo

Janey Pupdates

October 2024 Pupdate for Janey

Posted 10/17/2024

Happy October from Janey! Janey is continuing to love life as a guide dog in training. She's calculating all sorts of moves as she travels in more and more complex areas. She is one smart and fun pup!

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Janey is wearing her harness and sitting in a Spirit Halloween. There are various aspects of a witch costume in the background.
An action shot of Janey running around CR on the Oregon Campus. She has a soft toy in his mouth.

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