Kaya GDB Badge Icon: Career Change Dog, featuring a bone

Birthdate 9/24/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador/Golden Retriever Cross

Sex Female

Location Oregon

Parents Godric & Claudia

Path Career Change

Littermates with Pupdates Kudo, Kahu, Kate, Kessa

Kaya Pupdates

November 2024 Pupdate for Kaya

Posted 11/21/2024

Kaya is such a sweetie pie! She has been enjoying the rainy weather this November. We all love spending time with her and every time someone comes to say hi she has to do her tippy tap dance. Kaya loves her sniffy walks on campus and playing with squeaky toys out in the rain.

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Kaya sits and smiles at the camera. She is sitting on a dense pine-needle and pinecone covered ground.
Kaya sniffs a pine-needle covered ground, she is wearing a blue harness. There are trees and a green field in the background.

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