Kearney, a male black Labrador Retriever, is sitting while wearing his harness. Behind him is the Palace of Fine Arts which is located in San Francisco.

Kearney GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 9/4/2022

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Celtic & Turquoise

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Kata, Kayla, Kyle, Kringle

Kearney Pupdates

August 2024 Pupdate for Kearney

Posted 8/15/2024

Kearney is such a calm, focused worker and he keeps that same ‘cool, calm and collected’ composure in downtime. Recently, some kids wanted to pet him while he was settled at a destination, he gave them a lick and then relaxed while they continued to pet him. He's such a sweet, gentle guy!

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Kearney sits in harness beside a large statue of a sea lion while working in San Francisco. His head is slightly tilted as he looks towards the camera.
Kearney is pictured playing in the grass paddock of the CA campus. He is mid-stride as he approaches the camera/ handler. There is a three-ring tug toy behind him.

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