Yellow lab Luthien sits on the sidewalk in front of green plants and a wooden fence. She is wearing a blue scarf that has the GDB logo and says Breeder Dog.

Luthien GDB Badge Icon: Breeder Dog, featuring a DNA helix

Birthdate 4/21/2022

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Female

Location California

Parents Yellowstone & Breezy

Path Graduated as a Breeder

Littermates with Pupdates Legolas, Leonardo, Lily, Longan

Luthien Pupdates

October 2023 Pupdate for Luthien

Posted 10/19/2023

Luthien has been selected for the breeding program and will be placed with a breeder custodian soon!

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Freckle-faced yellow girl Luthien sits on a shady sidewalk in front of a cement planter, her red ears perked.
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