Marcus, a male black lab is looking up at the camera as he sits on a patch of grass in the shade.

Marcus GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 5/3/2022

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Perrier & Rosalita

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Metzi, Mira, Myra, Moonlight, Manzanita, Minter

Marcus Pupdates

March 2024 Pupdate for Marcus

Posted 3/21/2024

Greetings from Marcus! This sweet boy is such a joy to work with! He loves learning new things and going new places.

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Marcus is sitting in a grass yard and wearing his guide dog harness. He is looking into the camera with his tongue out.
Marcus is sitting on a plastic play structure in the community run. He is looking off to the side of the camera with his head slightly turned to the side.
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