Marty GDB Badge Icon: Career Change Dog, featuring a bone

Birthdate 1/29/2023

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Kodiak & Scout

Path Career Change

Littermates with Pupdates Marv, Matt, Mitch, Marsha, Majesty

Marty Pupdates

August 2024 Pupdate for Marty

Posted 8/15/2024

Marty loves to kick back and relax after a day of hard work by spending time in the small pool he shares with his friends! He’ll lay down in the water and even roll around in it, especially when it’s hot outside.

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Marty looks into the camera as he stands in a shallow blue pool in the sunshine in GDB’s Community Run area, with colorful play structures behind him. He’s very wet from a romp in the water.
Marty sits in his guide dog harness on an outdoor path covered with yellow tall grasses, with his body faced to the left while his head is turned to look into the camera. His tongue is sticking out a little as he smiles, with shrubs, a fence, and a glimpse of water behind him.

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