Black lab Monk is seated on a dirt path in front of a bush with small purple flowers. He is wearing a guide dog harness and boots on all four paws.

Monk GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 10/14/2021

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Celtic & Rhinestone

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Michon, Marble, Mimzy

Monk Pupdates

July 2023 Pupdate for Monk

Posted 7/20/2023

Monk is enjoying these dog days of summer! Each day with Monk is a great day, he always puts his best paw forward. He is an absolute joy to be around, always trying to sneak in a loving lick!

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Monk, a male Black Labrador retriever, sits in front of a colorful piano on a sidewalk. Monk is wearing his harness, while he looks at the camera, with his serious face.
Monk, a male Black Labrador Retriever, stands on a yellow play structure. His tongue is out as he is mid lick. Monk is also squinting his eyes due to the bright light.

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