Male yellow Labrador Retriever Nesbit sits in front of a pond in harness and gazes towards the camera with his mouth open and tongue out. Some green bushes, grass and trees are blurred in the background.

Nesbit GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 8/7/2021

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Celtic & Dina

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Nutmeg, Nairobi

Nesbit Pupdates

May 2023 Pupdate for Nesbit

Posted 5/18/2023

Nesbit is enjoying some R&R in foster care. His foster care provider writes: "Nesbit is so effervescent and sweet! He loves to play with his toys and go for walks, and of course, lots of snuggling. He throws in a few sweet little kisses to top it off."

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A male yellow Labrador Retriever sits outside in the backyard and stares directly at the camera. His mouth is open in a relaxed smile and lots of orange California poppy flowers are in the background.
A male yellow Labrador Retriever playfully holds a blue, S shaped Zumi dog toy in his mouth and looks directly at the camera.

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