Small yellow lab, Nomi, lies in bark chips with her mouth open in a smile. There is various greenery and trees in the background.

Nomi GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 4/18/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Female

Location Oregon

Parents Zenith & Lake

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Nectarine, Nero, Norris, Neila, Neema, Newton

Nomi Pupdates

December 2024 Pupdate for Nomi

Posted 12/19/2024

Happy Holidays from Nomi! She is soooo deeply loved by her instructors and foster care providers! She enjoys cuddling their career change dog, wiggling when she knows she did something right, and taking long walks on the weekend. Thanks for raising her!

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Yellow Labrador Retriever Nomi proudly wears her GDB guide dog harness while sitting in front of a Christmas tree with lights.
Yellow Labrador Retriever Nomi is curled up with her foster care friend on a dog bed.

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