Nunzio sitting in front of a kennel, wearing his harness. He is gazing into the camera

Nunzio GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 10/22/2021

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location Oregon

Parents Perrier & Glee

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Noodle, Noella, Nimbus, Nettie, Navigator, Natalia, Nash, Nando

Nunzio Pupdates

July 2023 Pupdate for Nunzio

Posted 7/20/2023

Nunzio has been a pleasure to work with! He loves when you tell him he is a good boy and enjoys cuddle sessions after routes. He is so patient and the perfect shopping buddy. But don't let his calm demeanor during guide work fool you, he know how to have a goodtime. He LOVES playing tug and has enjoyed having a roommate in the kennels.

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Nunzio is sitting on a wood bridge in harness looking at the camera. He has mouth is partially open showing some of his tongue. There are green trees in the background.
Nunzio is running in the turf free run area with a figure 8 toy in his mouth.

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