Photo of Raelyn sitting in harness looking up at the camera with her face in focus. She has red booties visible on her front feet.

Raelyn GDB Badge Icon: Community Placement, featuring a dog in a house

Birthdate 10/28/2021

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Female

Location California

Parents Gaius & Tacoma

Path Placed with a Community Partner Client

Littermates with Pupdates Reginald, Rafferty

Raelyn Pupdates

July 2024 Pupdate for Raelyn

Posted 7/18/2024

Thanks for following Raelyn’s progress to becoming an assistance dog. This will be the last Pupdate for her. Congratulations to Raelyn and her raisers on her placement with a client through Dogs for Better Lives! (no photo provided)

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