Rivendell is alert and smiling as she lays in a blue barrel style play structure.


Birthdate 5/6/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Female

Location California

Parents Yellowstone & Alaska

Path Formal Guidework Training

Littermates with Pupdates Rollo, Redwood

Rivendell Pupdates

November 2024 Pupdate for Rivendell

Posted 11/21/2024

I’ve recently started working with Rivendell, and I’m loving every minute of it! She’s a smarty pants and a real go-getter. When she’s not in harness, she loves spending time in our Community Run chewing on a bone.

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Rivendell is sitting on a concrete path in her guide dog harness, with green shrubs, yellow flowers, and a slice of the blue Bay behind her.
Rivendell is laying down on a blue play structure in our Community Run area. She’s busy mouthing at two toys between her paws – a small stuffed dog, and a mint green ring toy.
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