Saxon sits in his harness looking right into the camera with a smile. He is in front of a retaining wall with red pick and purple flowers behind him.

Saxon GDB Badge Icon: Career Change Dog, featuring a bone

Birthdate 7/18/2022

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador/Golden Retriever Cross

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Manatee & Niobe

Path Career Change

Littermates with Pupdates Strawberry, Swift, Sweetie, Stephi, Sicily, Stimson, Supreme

Saxon Pupdates

July 2024 Pupdate for Saxon

Posted 7/18/2024

Handsome Saxon enjoys being close to his handler, whether in a home, office, or during the work. His favorite part about guidework is the copious amount of physical and verbal praise he gets when he is doing a good job.

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Saxon is pictured standing in harness, on leash, in front of an older red and white building. He has what appears to be a small smile while looking at the camera. Because of Saxon's large and glorious mane, the harness is not as easily seen, but trust that it is in fact there.
Saxon is pictured laying down on a plush bed in the center section of our kennel area. He appears to be very content, holding a nylabone with both paws, chewing vigorously.

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