Seamus sits outside in the sunshine next to some green plants while looking curiously at the camera.

Seamus GDB Badge Icon: Career Change Dog, featuring a bone

Birthdate 3/16/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location Oregon

Parents Zenith & DBLs Maisie

Path Career Change

Seamus Pupdates

September 2024 Pupdate for Seamus

Posted 9/19/2024

Seamus knows how to have a good time - he is loving having a roommate and playing with the jolly ball during community run. He can often be seen chewing on bones and tries his hardest everyday. Thank you for raising this sweet boy.

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Seamus, a yellow, Labrador, Retriever, is wearing his harness while sitting on a wood bridge in a park in Gresham. He is
Seamus is running in community run with a blue jolly ball in his mouth. He is in motion and there are colored bone shaped structures in the back ground.

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