A portrait of male black Labrador Retriever, Tobago, sitting in a field of flowers looking at the camera with his mouth open and tongue partially out. There is green grass and yellow and orange flowers in the background. There is a black leash attached to his collar.

Tobago GDB Badge Icon: Community Placement, featuring a dog in a house

Birthdate 5/15/2022

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location Oregon

Parents Kentucky & Therese

Path Placed with a Community Partner Client

Littermates with Pupdates Tilden, Thali, Tulsa, Trevor

Tobago Pupdates

July 2024 Pupdate for Tobago

Posted 7/18/2024

Tobago was in the June placement class and graduated on June 14th. He was placed as a mobility service dog with a successor client.

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Black Lab Tobago standing in front of his handler with his front feet propped up on the foot plate of a wheelchair. He's wearing his red service dog vest.

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