Vinny sits in harness looking at the camera. Behind him is the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, California on a bright, sunny day.


Birthdate 4/30/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Jace & Denmark

Path Formal Guidework Training

Littermates with Pupdates Vonny, Valla, Verve

Vinny Pupdates

January 2025 Pupdate for Vinny

Posted 1/16/2025

"Vin" is still the happiest dog I know, always tail wagging, and never has a bad day. He enjoyed his holiday time off, playing with his friends and going out for adventure walks, but he was eager to get back to working and learning. He wishes you all a wonderful new year!

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Vinny is chewing on a bone while in a play bow position. He is facing towards the camera but slightly looking past the lens.
Vinny is standing in harness between two green bushes, looking directly at the camera in close range. He is holding a small soft toy in his mouth and his tail is mid wag after having enjoyed a short play session post route.

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