A close up of Wiley laying down in front of a bed of purple flowers, enjoying some down time.


Birthdate 11/14/2022

Color Black

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location California

Parents Berto & Osaka

Path K9 Buddy Evaluation

Littermates with Pupdates Wrangler, Wilson, Westlynn, Waters

Wiley Pupdates

January 2025 Pupdate for Wiley

Posted 1/16/2025

Happy New Year from Wiley! This gentle boy has decided to hang up the harness and his New Year's resolution is to try out the K9 Buddy program! We are excited to get to know him better as we continue his evaluation in the coming weeks!

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Wiley sits looking up at the camera.  Surrounding him on the ground are fallen yellow and brown leaves.

Wiley sits looking up at the camera.  Surrounding him on the ground are fallen yellow and brown leaves.

Wiley lays on a blue, green and cream patterned rug looking up at the camera.  He has a little smudge of drool on his top lip from the treat he just ate.

Wiley lays on a blue, green and cream patterned rug looking up at the camera.  He has a little smudge of drool on his top lip from the treat he just ate.

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