Light yellow lab, Willie, sits in front of many pots of colorful flowers. He is looking into the camera sweetly while wearing his harness.

Willie GDB Badge - Graduate

Birthdate 2/15/2023

Color Yellow

Breed Labrador Retriever

Sex Male

Location Oregon

Parents Nicolaj & Kokua

Path Graduated as a Guide Dog

Littermates with Pupdates Wilshire, Williams, Westa

Willie Pupdates

September 2024 Pupdate for Willie

Posted 9/19/2024

Willie has a heart of gold. He is so sweet and loving to his chosen people and yet can maintain focus when strangers try to solicit his attention. He loves to hang out in community run chewing his bone (with the occasional running of laps to show it off to his friends).

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PD: Willie is a very large and very light colored yellow Labrador Retriever male. He is pictured facing directly toward the camera with his mouth open and tongue hanging out and his eyes slightly squinted either due to the bright sunlight or the big smile on his face. In the background is plenty of green grass and orange, pink and dark red flowers.
PD- 2 Willie ( a very large and very light colored yellow Labrador Retriever male with dark liner around his eyes and mouth with a dark nose) is pictured facing directly toward the camera while wearing his harness. His mouth is open with his tongue slightly out. In the foreground is a cement sidewalk pattered with scales and some small flowering plants. In the far background are some shopping carts and clothing display .

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