August 2024 Pupdate for Dupree

Posted 8/15/2024

What a delight Dupree is! He has settled nicely into the kennels and brings joy to everyone he meets. He has cleverly figured out that he can get a little extra attention from the staff if he puts one paw up on the ledge of his kennel while remaining in a sit. He loves going out to play in the play yard with his friends or going out on walks with the volunteers. Dupree is a good boy!!

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Yellow Labrador Retriever Dupree is sitting in his kennel on a green bed.  He is looking up towards the camera.  The blue and white speckled wall of the kennel is behind him.
Yellow Labrador Retriever Dupree is lying on a blue play structure in the community play yard.  His eyes are closed and his mouth is open so that it almost looks like he is laughing.