August 2024 Pupdate for Jacob

Posted 8/15/2024

Greetings from Jacob! Jacob (also known as Jake or Jakey) is having a great time learning all of the important guide dog skills. He is such a sweet, personable boy and always enjoys holding a plush toy after a route. Recently he has been enjoying spending his downtime with his roommate, who also happens to be his brother!

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Jacob stands with his front paws up on a curb in a sidewalkless neighborhood in Gresham. He's wearing a guide dog harness and looking toward the camera with his mouth open. The street behind him is lined with various green bushes and trees.
Jacob trots towards the camera on a sidewalk in the Sellwood neighborhood while holding a small chicken plush toy in his mouth. His tail is wagging and head held high as he shows off his prize. The sidewalk is shaded and lined on either side with bright green grass, bushes, and trees.