August 2024 Pupdate for Laguna

Posted 8/15/2024

Laguna is hanging up her harness and joining us for evaluation in the K9 Buddy program! She is equally excited to play fetch or tug with another dog as she is to snuggle up as close as possible to her handler. We are eager to get to know more about this sweet girl in the coming weeks!

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<p>Laguna lays on the carpet in the office, stretched out in a " />

Laguna lays on the carpet in the office, stretched out in a "frog dog" position, looking up at her handler.

<p>Laguna takes a quick break from playing fetch to check in with her handler.  She is looking up with bright eyes and her tongue is lolling slightly out the side of her mouth.</p>

Laguna takes a quick break from playing fetch to check in with her handler.  She is looking up with bright eyes and her tongue is lolling slightly out the side of her mouth.