November 2024 Pupdate for Zabo

Posted 11/21/2024

Happy November from Zabo! Zabo has shown me what a big, sweet heart he has. He loves to be by my side as much as he can. He has transitioned into his new job well and loves getting to work in town and settle at coffee shops. Zabo also loves hanging out at my desk and chewing on bones in his free time. Zabo likes to chew on bones in community run and lay on top of my feet. I am so thrilled to be working with this sweet boy! Thank you for raising him!

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Zabo, a male black Labrador, sits in harness on a sidewalk covered in orange and red leaves. The fallen leaves bring out the shininess of his black coat. He is looking at the camera and has a very cute fur pattern in between his two eyes.
Zabo, a male black Labrador, lays at his instructors feet at a desk. He is laying down and his tongue is licking his lips.