October 2024 Pupdate for Bliss

Posted 10/17/2024

Happy October from cute lil "Blissy-Bliss". She has been having tons of fun picking out coffee shops to settle in while her instructor gets some cozy fall coffees. She heard she has a "Legacy" to follow, and she's trying her best! It's always an adventure with this pup, and it's great to have her by my side. She is still enjoying her roommate and friends in CR, but much prefers to put on her harness to hit the streets and see what fun places are out there. Go get 'em Bliss!

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Bliss sits in harness on the sidewalk in front of a coffee shop sandwich board that says
A close up of Bliss with the sun illuminating 3/4 of her face. She has a twinkle in her eye as she's patiently expecting some snackies for her modeling skills