October 2024 Pupdate for Dara

Posted 10/17/2024

Dara has returned to campus and is enjoying daily walks, community run time, and practicing obedience with one of the apprentice instructors. She continues to be sweet, engaging, and easy to manage both on-campus, as well as at the park, even with all the new dog and people distractions.

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<p>Dara plays in the grass paddock on the OR campus.  She is looking off to the right of the frame with her mouth open in a relaxed, playful " />

Dara plays in the grass paddock on the OR campus.  She is looking off to the right of the frame with her mouth open in a relaxed, playful "smile."

<p>Dara sits on a blue raised dog bed in her kennel run, eagerly awaiting her dinner.</p>

Dara sits on a blue raised dog bed in her kennel run, eagerly awaiting her dinner.