October 2024 Pupdate for Janessa

Posted 10/17/2024

Happy October from Janessa! Janessa has been enjoying some time in foster care and seeing all the fall sights. She continues to be a lovely house guest and a favorite for all who get to interact with her. She has such a fun personality.

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<p>Janessa is picture sitting in front of different colored pumpkins. Behind her to the right are reddish pumpkins and to the left are mostly yellow and white pumpkins. There is a brown wagon cart behind all the pumpkins with a scarecrow and fall colored leaves atop it. </p>

Janessa is picture sitting in front of different colored pumpkins. Behind her to the right are reddish pumpkins and to the left are mostly yellow and white pumpkins. There is a brown wagon cart behind all the pumpkins with a scarecrow and fall colored leaves atop it.