October 2024 pupdate for Jazzy

Posted 10/17/2024

Happy Fall from Jazzy! Jazzy has settled into campus nicely. She loves going to the different play yards to smell everything there possibly is to smell, playing with stuffed toys and has been making new canine friends to play with during community run time. She gets a frozen Kong every morning as part of her meal and she always impresses with her speed in finishing them, she is very talented! Thanks for raising Jazzy!

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Jazzy, an adorable petite black lab is laying inside a tunnel in a play yard on the Oregon campus on a beautiful sunny day. Her dark nose is pointed slightly in the air and she is staring intently at the camera with her dark brown eyes.
Jazzy, an adorable petite black lab is prancing through a play yard on the Oregon campus on a sunny day. She is holding a long snake shaped stuffed toy. She has a joyful expression on her face.