September 2023 Pupdate for Dudley

Posted 9/21/2023

Happy September from Dudley! This month, Dudley helped out in the Orientation and Mobility Immersion program, visiting with the students as we discussed their eligibility for the K9 Buddy program. He was quickly given the nickname of “Studly Dudley” and one of the students didn’t want to say goodbye to her “new boyfriend.” He is ever the charmer.

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<p>Black Labrador Retriever, Dudley, is looking directly into the camera with his bright, shiny brown eyes, mouth open in a smile, with his pink tongue extended.  He is sitting on a concrete path.</p>

Black Labrador Retriever, Dudley, is looking directly into the camera with his bright, shiny brown eyes, mouth open in a smile, with his pink tongue extended. He is sitting on a concrete path.

Black Labrador Retriever, Dudley, is looking very regal as he sits amongst a field of green ivy, underneath trees.  Dudley is looking into the distance with his mouth open and floppy ears at rest, framing his face.