September 2024 Pupdate for Newton

Posted 9/19/2024

Happy Fall from Newton! Newton has loved learning all the complex parts of guide work this past month. He loves working in downtown Portland and weaving in and out of pedestrians. "Noot" has continued to wiggle his way around campus and after routes with his stuffed Moose. He is an excellent target finder and gets so excited find the escalator, elevator, or chair for me. Newton enjoys playing in community run with his roommate and friends but not as much as he loves parading around his bone to everyone.

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Newton, a black yellow Labrador, sits on a cement block in front of a large water fountain with the city scape of Downtown Portland in the background. The sky is bright blue. He is wearing his harness along with his teal shoes on his harness body. His tongue is hanging out.
Newton, a black Labrador, stands on the sidewalk holding his stuffed moose after a route. His tail is wagging as he looks at the camera.